No service provider is imposed on Domaine Mas Bégon, but we are happy to introduce you to our partners (caterers, DJs, photographers, accommodation, etc.) who will be able to meet your expectations and make your event a complete success.
We invite you to contact them on our behalf.
Cabiron caterer
Le Petit Jardin’ caterer
Camargue caterer
Evidence caterer
La Cigale caterer
Virginie Pierrefixe (vidéo)
Paret Production (photo and video)
Alexandre Flury (photo)
DJ Andreo
Aurélion Monet
Version Luxe Events
A La Teva Felicitat !
Emilie Events
HH Création
If you wish to accommodate more than 52 guests, we have partnerships with accommodation providers close to the Domaine. Contact us for more information.